
Friday, December 20, 2013

100-Goals: Christmas Break Assignment

100-Goals: Christmas Break Assignment

  1. Get a notebook and label it "Life Planning"
  2. Think of some goals you would like to achieve. Write 100 goals inside this notebook and number them
  3. Visit 100 Life Goals and read
  4. Visit Antwon Davis 100-Life Goals and read
  5. Account for your Life Planning notebook when you return to school in January
  6. Read your goals DAILY
  7. Add to your Life Planning Goals list as you think of new goals

Tuesday, December 17, 2013



  • 1st
    • Already passed my final
  • 2nd
    • Study vocabulary for chapters 1-6 and review notes
  • 3rd
    • Study words,fragment sentences,comma splices, run  ons, subject verb agreement
  • 4th
    • Review notes taken and study definitions
  • 5th
    • No final
  • 6th
    • Study all 16 chapters
  • 7th
    • Do a good speech 
  • 8th
    • Already passed my final

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Winter Break

Wake up early. Nothign eats away the winter break like moping around beneath the covers. Decide the previous day when you will get out of bed, then make sure follow through

During the first few days of vacation, chances are that you will relish the opportunity to sleep in. Its okay to do this and give yourself a break because your body will naturally put itself on a scheduleto wake itself up earlier

Maintain good health and hygiene. Brush your teeth and bathe often. Make sure to use sunblock even in the cold and remember that the only health tan is spray on! Winter is a great time to get in shape or stay in shape. Consider joining a sport or at the very least get outside and have fun every day

Study. Particularly if you are a high school student studying remains essential even though the school year is in the short recess. Look over last years notes or do some research into what next year's courses have in store. When school resumes youll be grarteful that your academic knowledge and skills have not deteriorated you will be ready and not panicking that you dont know soemthing. Most of you alreayd know if you have homework, reading or other research, stay on top of it. You will be grateful when you return to school. Keep your brain active. Read for school or pleasure, research your own interest or even get into crossword puzzles.

Follow a routine. However loose, the structure will both motivate you and keep hours spent doing nothing to a minimum. Dont play to many games and even if it might be cold go out for a few hours

Join a volunteer group

Start a summer job

Go to camp and learn something

Stay active in you society

Read at least one book

6 Questions

1. What direction do you see the U.S going? Why is it going this direction?
I think it is going downhill because there are so many crimes and negative things going around the entire U.S
2.Why do SAT scroes in the U.S contiune going downward?
I believe this is because not many teens put effort into their work now a days and they dont try as hard as they should
3. What are solutions to low SAT scores?
The best thing is to make kids study more and be more dedicated to doing well in the SATs
4. Make a bullet list of a few problems with education in California

  • Lessons are taught on how a student might understand
  • Schedule is messed up
  • Unfair teachers
  • teachcing system isnt too well made
5. What are solutions to the California education problems?
I think making it in a way where most students might agree on having such a thing
6."To educate a man in mind but not in morals is to educate a meance to society"(Theodore Roosevelt)
The proper way to educate someone would be in what their beliefs are and go on from there. You should teach one how they should act and to have decency 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
"Its not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference."
Paul Bear Bryant
When you just want to win it wont be the same as preparing and putting effort into winning. When you prepare yourself to win you will most likely win. It is more likely to have a better game and have better performance.Just wanting to win and going at it wont give you the same results.

Paul Bryant

Paul 'Bear' Bryant was a american football player and coach. Paul was born in Septemeber 11, 1932 and died on January 26,1983. He was known to be the coach of the University of Alabama football team. He was the head coach for 25 years and he amassed six national championships and thirteen conference championships. He retired in 1982 and he held the record for most wins as head coach in collegiate football history with 323 wins.Paul played in the end position. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


  • Fact: 34% of HPIAM student have below a 2.0 GPA
  • Why is this a worrying statistic?
    • Will not graduate
  • What are some specific reasons you think is happening? How can we solve this problem (concrete ideas)? 
    • Not many people care about their grades
    • change the schedule
    • run things better

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The working notebook is the daily notebook taken to class. It holds all the papers and information needed each day. Any three-ring binder can serve as a working notebook; the nylon zippered type tends to last longer. Your working notebook should contain:

  • A portable three-hole punch
  • A zippered pouch with three holes to hold highlighters, pencils, pens, clips, "sticky notes", and other small supploes 
  • A monthly calender
  • A ruler
  • Section dividers for each subject labed homework, notes. handouts, and quizzes/test
  • An assignment book
These items are avaliable at most office supply stores in a three-hole punched format so they can be easily inserted into the notebook. This is important, because if the items are not attached to the notebook, they will get lost in backpacks or left at home or school.
One working ntoebook for all of your childs classes might be too large for some students,especially if they are in high school. Two medium size notebooks with two or three subjects ine ach is alternative to one large notebook. Morning classes might be placed in one, and afternoon classes might be placed in another.
Whichever alternative note above that you choose, the important thing is that on a daily, you should date, three- hole punch and file any of his school papers under the appropriate divider for each subject, You should also note assignments in detail in his assignment book.
Next tuesday, november 5, bring all your work from all classes in order to show the orgination required from class. You will have time in advisory to hole-punch and orgazine  your binder, folders, notebooks, etc. so you need to come prepared

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Thanks to the internet, people have more access to more information than at any other time in history. People can instantly find information on almost any topic in the time it takes to type a couple of words and click a mouse. But we often know so little about the source of this information, including its reliability and the qualifications of the person who wrote it. If we don't know its source, information is not much good to us.
1. Do people need to know the source of any information before they use it?
I think they should know the source to tell if it is reliable or not
2. Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your postition with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

When gathering information from the internet you should always check if it is reliable or not. Using information that is not reliable may be something bad.Searching up a certain topic and later being mis informed is not good for the further future.

While writing something like a research paper or something and you need to look up a certain something it should always be from a website that is legit. Wikipedia is a great source of information and such. If you get false information you are misinforming yourself and others. Some may realize it is false or incorrect and you will get called out on it.

Checking on information throughly is a good way to tell if it is reliable or not. Getting information from any random site that doesn't seem too confirming is a good way to tell how good your information will be. Looking up something and find a the information stating the same thing is a good way to tell aswell. There are many sorts of ways to tell if information will be reliable or not before you confirm with yourself that the information is correct.

False information will bring many downsides to what you know about a topic. There might be many people who are not aware that there is false information or misleading information in the internets. This means that thee are many people out there who do no know the correct information. This is way you should always check your sources to make sure the information is reliable.

Getting reliable information is very important at the end. Knowing false information is not good. When looking up information, that is why you should always make sure its correct. It is best for every especially the person being informed about a topic.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Many colleges now offer courses in which students study television programs, comic books, magazines, advertising, and other aspects of popular culture. Critics complain that schools should not replace serious literature and history courses with such fluff. They claim that courses in popular culture present material that is trivial and inconsequential. But the study of popular culture can be just as important, demanding and instructive as the study of traditional subjects.

I don't think popular culture is as valuable as traditional literary and historical subjects. Traditional literary and historical subjects have much more meaning to what would be our popular culture today. Our popular culture doesn't focus on many things besides looks and such. Back then certain things meant much more than they do today.It has  a lot of meaning and more worthy thing to know about than it currently does.

Now a days things don't have to mean much to become popular. Any little thing that a celebrity does becomes popular. I would say back then things were for realistic and were more important. Today things do become popular but sometimes it isn't because they are good. There is a lot of bad media put out there for everyone to see and is not beneficial at all.

Learning about the popular culture, then again, is something that sometimes might be worth it. It would help us out in the future when what we are learning today would be history for people in the future. Learning about our popular culture now will help us advance in the future and to discover new things.

I would consider traditional literary and historical subjects more
 important by far than popular culture. It has more meaning to what was done and is something that has been passed down by generations. Even though popular culture now is more important to most people i think the past is something we should know about. This is because we should know why things are the way they are at the moment and why things were done and so on.

Popular culture as of right now i say would never be as valuable or worthy to the same level as traditional literary and historical subjects. Historical subjects made a big impact in the world. They also made change to what our country is like right now. This is something important to know and meaningful.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


  • What does GPA stand for?
    • Grade Point Average
  • What does a GPA show?
    • It shows how well you do in classes
  • Why is a GPA important?
    • Helps you get into a good college
    • Helps you graduate high school
    • Get a good job
    • Helps you keep up
    • Allows you to try harder
    • Helps you improve
    • Makes you sure of yourself

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

educational goals

Achieving all those goals listed above are important for many reasons. When you have a goal set and you try to reach it you are more likely to try your best and actually reach your goal. With all the goals listed they will help better your high school expierence. The educational goals are a major part of your future and will help you

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
"Honesty is the cornerstone of character. The honest man or woman seeks not merely to avoid criminal or illegal acts, but to be scrupulously fair, upright, fearless in both action and expression. Honesty pays dividends both in dollars and in peace of mind."
B.C. Forbes
When you are honest overall you will have many benefits. Being honest is always important and when you are honest it can better yourself as a person.

Honesty 9 of 10

9 of 10
Honesty is always the best policy. Employers need to know that they can trust you with everything from company credit cards to trade secrets. How can you work at honesty? You demonstrate integrity every day that you do your own homework and resist the temptation to cheat on exams.
What is honesty?
·        Honesty is telling the truth
·        Honesty is straightforward conduct
·        Honesty is being sincere, truthful, trustworthy, honorable, fair, genuine, and loyal with integrity.
You are being honest when you…
·        Do your own homework
·        Tell a friend the truth
·        Explain the real reason you didn’t turn in your homework
·      Keep your eyes on your own paper
·      Clean up your room after making a promise
·      Give the cashier the extra money she gave you by mistake
·      Write a report in your own words instead of copying
·      Admit you made the mistake
·      Keep a friend’s secret
·      Turn in a wallet full money that you found
Choose The Right!

Year End Reflection

What did you accomplish this year?
 The main thing i accomplished was to meet new people
What have you done this year that you are proud of?
Some thing im proud of is i have decent grades throughout the year
What new things did you learn about yourself? Did you discover any new talents or interests?
Some new things i learned is how i really am as a person and such
What is one problem or struggle you encountered this school year that you overcame?
One problem was having a difficult time in algebra but i really have not overcame that
What is a positive life lesson you have learned from a teacher this year? Why was this lesson important to you?
One positive life lesson i learned from a teacher was to work hard in high school and not slack off because it will pay off in the future

Monday, June 3, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“Stop worrying about whether you’re going to win or lose and focus your full attention on what’s happening right this moment.”

--Phil Jackson (11 World Championships)
You should never be worruing about what happens in the past or what will happen in the future. You should live in the moment and let things happen the way they are meant to happen. Live in the present.

Time Management 8 of 10

Time Management
8 of 10
Master the moments and you may be a real pro when it comes to juggling the many demands on your time – classes, homework and activities – with some family help. College gives you an even bigger chance to sharpen your time management skills by doing it all on your own. And that’s a good thing since most jobs require multitasking. You might need to take care of current clients while attracting new ones, respond to e-mails while working on a major presentation, or order tomorrow’s produce while planning next week’s menu.
Someone said, “Wherever you are, be there.” Focus on the present moment and give it all your attention. Don’t let your mind drift and wander here and there when you need to be thinking and concentrating on the moment at hand. You can’t go back and recapture this moment, so make the most of it while it NOW. Master the present and you will master the future. Work smart by mastering the present moment.]

Choose The Right

Friday, May 31, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon.”

--Elizabeth Cady Stanton
When you tell the truth you really shouldnt have anything to worry about. Telling the truth will not cause you any trouble unlike if you were to say a lie and people will try to go after you or something like that

Attention to Detail 7 of 10

Attention to Detail
7 of 10

When you double-check your calculations for a math problem or cite sources carefully in a research paper, you’re paying close attention to detail. That skill comes in handy in any workplace, whether you maintain a database, keep a log of the hours you spend with clients or write e-mails.

            John Wooden, UCLA’s former great basketball coach who led his team to ten consecutive national championships, was asked what he attributes his success to. Among a number of things, he mentioned that paying attention to detail was one of the most important qualities for successful coaching and for high achievement in any worthwhile pursuit. He even paid attention to how his players would lace up and tie their shoe strings. If they didn’t tie them correctly, he would teach them how.
Details may be small things, but from small things come great things; therefore, pay attention to details and you will experience substantial progress in your overall educational  attain
Choose the right

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“Everyone is the architect of their own learning”

This can mean how you are the one who controls your life. You build upon what you already know and you add more to it. You control your own life and what you learn so this is what it means

Cool under pressure 6 of 10

Cool under pressure
6 of 10
Very few students enjoy taking tests. Yet functioning well under pressure is crucial to your future success. Try thinking of the pressure of testing as practice for the work world’s own explosive situations.  You could someday find yourself meeting tight deadlines, speaking with irate customers, wielding a scalpel or handling dangerous chemicals.
The best way to curtail pressure and to even eliminate it is to prepare. Applying the motto “Be Prepared” holds true first time and every time. Prepare for that test, and you won’t worry about it. In fact, it will be your chance to shine, to reveal the hard work you have put into preparing for the test. You will be rewarded for the effort you have thrust into your studies. Preparation removes fear. When you are prepared, you will not fear. Preparation helps you maintain your cool under pressure. Preparation generates energy and enthusiasm; therefore, prepare and your coolness under pressure is sure to abound.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Student Success Statement

"Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable."
Peter F. Drucker
You should always do what is right. When you start something you should be aware if it is right or not.

Initiative 5 of 10

5 of 10

Initiative is creativity, inventiveness, originality, ingenuity, imagination. Every time you respond in your own interpretation of a piece of literature, you take initiative. And future employers value can-do professionals who come up with new ideas and chart their own course through projects, employees who are self-reliant. Self-reliant people are self-starters who don’t procrastinate on getting the job done. They know what is required to do and do it. They don’t wait to be told many times. Succeeding in high school, college, and in the career world is taking the initiative.

Choose The Right

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
"To be great--concentrate."
Orson Swett Marden
When you want to achieve something you should always pay attention. To be great at something it takes practice and you end up there by concertating on all your work

Problem-Solving Skills 4 of 10

Problem-Solving Skills
4 of 10
Problem solving goes by far beyond your math textbook. Every assignment is an opportunity to weigh all possible solutions carefully and choose the on you think is best. As a working professional, you’ll be solving problems regularly, whether it’s fixing a bug in a computer program or overcoming budget shortfalls. Problem solving situations occur extensively and frequently; therefore, be ready when then come.
When problems or challenges occur, some people look at them at negative experiences, as a crisis. These people are the ones who live day by day with gloom and negativism in their attitudes. But the really successful people, those who are cheerful and optimistic, are those who look at problems as opportunities, opportunities to learn, grow, expand their horizons, and make new discoveries. They look on the bright side of things and live happy lives.
Choose the right

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“The man who has no imagination has no wings”
--Muhammad Ali
A imagination can take you far. Having a imagination is very important and you can believe in yourself and such if you do. 

Speaking Skills 2 of 10

Speaking Skills
2 of 10
When you’re assigned a class presentation, think twice before dismissing it as an unimportant part of your education. Employers look for speaking skills in job applicants, who may have to give presentations to clients or represent their organization in the field. It’s never too soon to practice good eye contact and other public speaking techniques.
According to The Book of Lists, the fear of public speaking ranks number one in the minds of the majority of people. Far above the fear of death and disease, comes the fear of standing in front of a crowd. Joel Weiner noted author and public speaker wants to help people overcome that fear.
“The biggest fear is public speaking, with 15 percent of American experiencing a dramatic fear of it,” said Dr. Michael Telch of the Laboratory for the Study of Anxiety Disorders (LSAD) in the Department of Psychology at The University of Texas at Austin. “People have had to turn down jobs and certainly students have dropped classes because of it.”
Regardless of your occupation, your success depends a great deal upon your ability to communicate effectively. Whether you’re running a meeting, selling a product, making a presentation, motivating co-workers of just communicating one-on-one with others, you’ll get far better results if you can speak persuasively, smoothly and intelligently.
Choose The Right

Monday, May 20, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“To see what is right and not to do anything it is want of courage”

I think this means when you know what is right or what to do that would be right and you dont take the opportunity to do it will be a waste of time. 

Exam Day: Survival Tips Test – Taking Part 3

Exam Day: Survival Tips
Test – Taking
Part 3
Identify key words.
This helps you focus on the main idea of challenging questions.
Rephrase difficult questions.
To understand questions better, rewrite them in your own words. Be careful not to change the meaning.
Organize your thoughts before you write.
Take time to organize your responses to short-answer and essay questions. You’ll reduce the time you need to revise.
Write neatly.
Be sure you don’t lose points on answers the teacher can’t read.
Use all the time you’re given.
If you finish early, don’t leave. Use the extra time to proofread and review your answers.
Choose The Right!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
"Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement."
Matt Biondi
When you try to improve your persistence it can be better for yourself. When you have persistence you have a lot of benefits to it. Some benefits include many achievements and long term success.

Exam Day: Survival Tips Test- Taking Part 2

Exam Day:
Survival Tips
Test- Taking
Part 2
During the Test
Read the Directions.
It’s important that you follow the instructions exactly. For example, some questions may have more than one correct answer.
Answer easy questions first.
Doing this can jog your memory about useful facts.
You may also come across information that can help you with other questions
Answer every question.
Unless there is a penalty for wrong answers, try to answer every question; you may be able to get partial credit for those you begin but don’t complete correctly.
Ask questions.
If a question isn’t clear, talk to your teacher. If that’s not possible, explain your answer in the margin.
Choose The Right!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
"Improve your performance by improving your attitude."
If you have a ugly attitude you won't be able to do many things. When you better your attitude you will be able to improve how you do and how well your performance is. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
"Always do right."
Mark Twain
Whenever you think of doing something bad you should think of all the consequences that will come with it. When you do something right you will have benefits. It is always best to do the right because it is better for everyone, you and people around you.

Online Learning Part 2

Online Learning
Part 2
More Tips
Finally, look beyond the article for more clues.

·             Read the websites home page and the About Us page. Look for a mission statement to learn more about the site, its purpose and the organization sponsoring it.

·             If there is an author listed, look for a biography that discusses the author’s education, profession and other relevant background. If there is no bio on the site, search for one elsewhere on the Web.

·             Check the date. Facts can change over time, so see if the site shows when it was last updated.

·             Presentation counts; look at everything from design to spelling. A clean, well-organized site shows a certain degree of professionalism.

·             Avoid sites that are pornographic, vulgar, inappropriate, below par, suggestive, and falsifying.

·             Choose the right

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Student Success Statements

Student Success Statements
"Gold medals don't make champions... hard work does."
When you go to a championship you should not take it as because you won a gold medal but all your hard work you put into it. When you work hard it will lead to champions and much further than that

Online Learning Part 1

Online Learning
Part 1
Read Between the Lines
Make a judgment about the site’s reliability based on your own analysis of the site and the information it contains. Here are some ways to do this:
·       Look for facts you know or can check with a trusted source. If the site gets those facts right, it’s more likely that other facts on the site are also accurate.
·       Study the language used. Is it angry, satiric, or overly impassioned? This may indicate that this site is biased.
·       Consider whether the arguments are logical and backed up by evidence, and whether the site presents only one point of view.
·       Check the links to the sources that the author acknowledges. Scholarly writing, whether in print or online, should include bibliography
Choose The Right

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for the right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.”

--Margaret Chase Smith
When you want to choose something that is right it might be a unpopular opinion or thing for others. If you truly know it is right then you defend it to show you really stand up to what you believe in.

Its Online, but Is It On Target? Part 3

Its Online, but Is It On Target?
Part 3
Look at the site’s address. What follows the dot?
·       Dot-com is not only for businesses; anyone can use it. Dot-coms include well-known and respected companies, but also private individuals
·       Dot-org usually indicates a not-for-profit organization. Many dot-orgs present unbiased information, but others have political agendas, focus on debatable issues instead of facts, and might not present all sides of an argument.
·       Dot-gov indicates a government website at the federal, state or local level. The federal government is a good source of statistics, and its sites are widely considered among the most reliable
·       Dot-mil is used by the sites that are part of the military
·       Dot-edu usually indicates a university website. While its published research is generally considered very trustworthy, anyone associated with the university, whether a world-renowned scholar or a freshmen, can be given space on its server. Professors sometimes put student course work up on the Web, but that doesn’t mean they’re vouching for the information’s accuracy.
·       Choose the right 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential."

-Liane Cordes
When you keep trying at something you want to do not for the strength or intelligence, it will give you a greater outcome.

Its Online, but Is It On Target? Part 2

Its Online, but Is It On Target?
Part 2
Research with Attitude
Conduct your research with the attitude of a skeptic.
As you examine websites for clues that they’re trustworthy, ask these questions:
·       Who wrote the Web page? If you can’t identify the individual or organization responsible for the information, don’t use it.
·       What are the author’s qualifications for writing on the subject?
·       Has the article passed through an editorial process designed to ensure quality and accuracy?
·       What is the website’s purpose? Look for motives – like selling products or winning votes – that could result in biased or incomplete information.
·       Is the information accurate? Is it up-to-date?
·       Where did the author get this information?
Choose The Right

Friday, May 3, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
"Be quick, but don't get into a hurry."
John Wooden
When you do things you should try to do them fast but not so much where it becomes careless. Doing things quick with care so they can turn out ok and you won't stress about it.

Its Online, but Is It On Target? Part 1

Its Online, but Is It On Target?
Part 1
Using the Web Wisely
Thanks to the Web, information is easy to find. However, it’s also easy to post something online. Anyone can do it.
You’ve probably used the Internet to do research for a paper, to help you decide which product to buy, or to form an opinion about current events. Looking up information online is fast and convenient. But when you do online research, it’s important to fins sites you can trust.
Many websites claim to have facts, but are full of errors. Others present information in a biased way—they only give one side of an argument. How can you tell a reliable source from an unreliable one? Also, it is critical that you post online only that which is descent and appropriate, never anything pornographic, vulgar, indecent, out of taste, untruthful, or obscene. Post those things that will make a good name for you and your organization, that will promote goodwill and be of benefit to the world.
Choose The Right

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“When an archer misses the mark, he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit the bulls-eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim, improve yourself.”

--Gilbert Arland
when you do something wrong it isnt anyone but yourself to blame. You should not blame it on something else besides you. You should admit to your mistake and try to better yourself